
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Year 7 fun week

The day on camp all year 8s were gone except for a few year 8s they stayed back with us year 7s. On our first of year 7 fun day we had the chance to do art and become apart of a management team. We made the poles in our block decorative and colourful to welcome the year 8s back when they arrive on the last day of school. On our second day we were fundraising for a shared lunch that our year 7s and some year 8s wanted to do on the last day of term 1. We fundraised $54.60 at first.

Our last day we were super excited to have freedom in the holidays. On our last day we raised up to $97.29 and it was enough to buy all the ingredients. We had a kitchen team that would make the food and prepare everything. Our first day went alright as we had some issues of tidying up and preparing all the flower art so that it was ready for the year 8s to feel welcomed home.

We even got to watch a movie and it was called From boys2Men filmed by Mrs Muliaumaseali'i and her "One pacific production team." We only got to watch half of it but watched the rest on our second to last day. The movie was about a boy named Malaga that lived in a foster home with a very bad foster parent. He was threatened by that foster parent and was told that if he ever went to sleep again his knuckles would be broken. Malaga then ran away on the streets and was found by a teenager named Johno. Johno then took him in and looked after him until he was all grown up.

As Malaga was an adult he started to steal with his best friend Johno and their crew. Malaga and Johno were locked up but then Malaga had a social worker and his social worker took him in to be his son. He went to college as Johno tried to find Malaga. " Is that you Johno," cried Malaga. " Johno it is you."
" Malaga you need to come with me," explained Johno. " It's nothing personal we need you back brother."
The ending is sad but luckily it's just an act. Malaga dies at the end and the strange thing is that Malaga's friend Johno was taken in by the same people. Malaga's social worker.

Our last day was the best day yet. We had lizania, a pear and a can of coke. The last day but it was a blast. Everyone had fun and there were smiles. That was our year 7 fun week. Also a couple of year 8s to look after and lead us.

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